Iva Rohlik Logo


Iva Rohlik Logo


The meaning behind my logo

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Many of you have asked me about the meaning of my logo. The ‚dot in the circle‘ symbolizes the sun – the center of our world and, at the same time, our inner core. As Pythagoras once said, the circle is the most perfect shape, containing everything and from which all things emerge. 🌞 The circle has no beginning or end, representing eternity, while the dot embodies our essence and inner light.

This symbol reminds us to return to our center, no matter how turbulent the world may be. It connects us to the harmony and power of nature and everything that surrounds us. It symbolizes unity, growth, and the radiance of our inner gold, our inner light. Whether you seek balance, inspiration, or a moment of calm – the dot in the circle reminds us that the sun always shines, even behind the clouds. ✨

Recognize your power and your light, expand from your center outward, and let your light shine.